Friday, June 20, 2008

What if you couldn't HEAR Oh Canada?

If your ears work just fine, then you can hear our national anthem when it comes on the PA every morning, and you can sing along with your vocal cords vibrating good and loud with all the right notes.

If you couldn't hear, then you could still sing with your hands by making the signs that match the ideas in the song.

Grade one and two students in Rooms 2 and 5 show us how Oh Canada "sounds" in a different language. They are growing up ready to understand that communicating can happen equally well in a variety of different ways.

Watch this cool performance!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...that was soo good my ears are so happy now!!

Anonymous said...

It is great to see how much rooms 2 and 5 have learned this year. Also they look so happy singing and signing. Great job rooms 2 and 5.

I hope that everyone has a great summer. Take it easy and remember to read for fun. I will see everyone next year in the library.

Judy Borodin